Tuesday, July 10, 2007

riding the slow boat

This morning, I decided to take my time getting into work. My boss had scheduled me into a 5:30pm meeting tonight, meaning I won't get home until 7:30 or 8:00. And, with this new product launch just two weeks away, I've been working a *lot* of hours lately so really didn't feel like putting in another long day if I didn't have to. The downside of that decision is, the last 94 Express bus leaves the transit center at 8:15am. My alternative after 8:15am is to take the #12 bus, also known as the "Slow Boat".

The Slow Boat arrived about 5 minutes after I parked at the transit center. Scoping out the other people waiting for the bus, they seemed harmless enough although I did have to question the fashion sense of one 300+ pound woman sporting a belly shirt.

But that's a topic for another entry.

I board the bus with one eye on my BlackBerry, just barely noticing a man sitting in the sideways-facing seats just behind the driver until he drunkenly shouts out HI!!! to me as I pass by. With my nutter-avoidance response in full effect I sat as far away as possible in the very back of the bus.

Drunk guy notwithstanding, things were moving along pretty smoothly as I diligently worked my way through emails and checked my calendar for the day when suddenly, the driver stops the bus, walks over to this guy, and starts yelling at him. Apparently, he was sitting up there shouting obscenities and freaking out the other passengers. After many threats of eviction from the bus, the driver convinced this guy it would be in his best interest to just shut the hell up. The drunk guy stumbled off the bus at 4th and Hall, and disappeared into the buzz of activity of a city morning shifting into high gear.

You just never see this kind of stuff on the 94 Express.


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